Aqua Jogging for Runners: Workouts, Technique, and Benefits

One of the most fiercely debated topics in distance running is the effectiveness of cross training for runners.

What is the most effective method? Do you only need to cross train when injured? How do you make the most of your time?

So, in this article we’re going to give you all the answers and cover….

  1. The science behind the most effective cross training method for runners, aqua jogging.
  2. How (and why) to use aqua jogging to supplement your running to stay healthy.
  3. Why aqua jogging when injured can help you maintain nearly all of your running fitness.
  4. Proper technique to get the most of your aqua jogging workouts.
  5. Finally, lung-busting workouts that will keep you in shape no matter how long you need aqua jog!

Aqua Jogging – Why It is The Most Effective Form of Cross Training for Runners

Aqua jogging has become popular because, unlike cycling or using an elliptical machine, it is quite similar to overground running, at least in terms of the muscles used and your range of motion.

A good deal of physiology research was done on aqua jogging in the early and mid-90s, as its popularity was rising.

Here’s a good recap of some of the most influential studies.

Aqua Jogging and Maintaining Fitness

Studies have shown that aqua jogging can enable a well-trained runner to maintain running fitness for up to 4-6 weeks.

In one study, a group of ten runners trained exclusively with deep water running for four weeks and compared 5km race times pre deep water running and post deep water running.

The researchers found no statistical difference in 5k time or other markers for performance, such as submaximal oxygen consumption or lactate threshold.

In a second study, researchers measured the effects of aqua jogging over a six week period.

This time, 16 runners were separated into two groups – one who did aqua jogging workouts and the other who did over land running.

Using the same training intensities and durations, the researchers found no difference between the groups in maximal blood glucose, blood lactate, and body composition.

Aqua Jogging and Heart Rate

One of the earlier and more influential studies was done in 1991 by Nancy Butts, Mary Tucker, and Christine Greening at the University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse.1

Their work compared oxygen consumption and heart rate during a graded exercise test done while aqua jogging and while treadmill running.

Although the runners were not able to achieve the same heart rates and oxygen consumption levels in the pool as they did on the treadmill, the researchers noted that the disparity was similar to that between running and cycling, which also elicits lower oxygen consumption and heart rates (when done by runners, at least).

This paved the way for aqua jogging to be viewed as “on par” or even superior to other forms of cross training.

In an early review of some of the literature on aqua jogging, Reilly, Dowzer and Cable in the UK found that, at low to moderate intensities (comparable to an easy run or marathon pace), deep-water running is actually more demanding on the cardiovascular system, probably due to the increased demands on the upper body, which is poorly trained in runners compared to the legs.

Aqua Jogging Facilitates Recovery

Research has also demonstrated that aqua jogging can be used as a recovery tool to facilitate the repair of damaged muscles after hard workouts.

These findings make aqua jogging an important recovery tool in addition to being the best cross training method for injuries.

Aqua Jogging Burns More Calories

The calories burned aqua jogging are even higher than running on land, so if you want to avoid weight gain while you take time off from running, this is definitely the exercise for you!

What is Aqua Jogging and Why is it Different to Pool Running?

Well, actually, there isn’t a difference.

Aqua jogging has many names that you may hear us use interchangeably throughout this post, as there is no one set name.

Aqua jogging, pool running, deep water running, water jogging….need we go on?

Aqua jogging involves running in the deep end of the pool, and it has many benefits as it closely mimics the actual running movement.

Your feet don’t actually touch the bottom of the pool, so it is zero impact and safe for almost any type of injury, especially if you have a high risk stress fracture, and will be out for a while.

In my experience, the only time to avoid aqua jogging is when you have a hip flexor injury, which can be aggravated by the increased resistance of the water as you bring your leg up.

Because aqua jogging closely mimics natural running form, it provides a neuromuscular workout that, in addition to aerobic benefits, helps keep the running specific muscles active.

The same can’t be said for biking and swimming.

The only disadvantage of aqua jogging is that you need a pool that is deep enough to run in without touching the bottom.

If you’re lucky enough to have access to a pool of this size, aqua jogging should be your first cross training choice.

Why You Should Aqua Jog, Even When You’re Not Injured

Let’s face it, runners want to run! But, the reality is that the repetitive nature of running makes it highly likely that too much running will get you injured.

In fact, respected bio-mechanics expert Jay Dicharry estimates that 82% of runners will get injured at some point in their running career.

Thus, the eternal struggle all runners face is “how to I improve my fitness without getting injured”.

This is where cross training, specifically aqua jogging can come into play.

Recover Faster

As mentioned above, aqua jogging can actually help you recover faster from your hard running workouts.

This works because one the body heals itself through the circulatory system, i.e. using blood to deliver nutrients to damages muscles.

The best way to increase blood flow is to move that specific muscle. That signals the body to send or increase blood flow to the area.

Aqua jogging allows you to move the specific muscles you use for running without adding any additional impact stress since you’re not hitting the ground.

Get Stronger

One of the most underrated and understudied benefits of aqua jogging is that it’s an extremely effective running-specific strength workout because you’re using the water as resistance.

This can help strengthen two often neglected areas in runners – their arms/shoulders and their hip flexors.

Likewise, as you’ll learn below, maintaining an upright posture is key to executing good pool running form. This is great strength work for your core and lower back.

Improve Fitness

As documented extensively above, pool running is almost nearly as effective as actual running when it comes to improving your aerobic system.

That means if you use aqua jogging in place of one of your easy runs once or twice per week, you’re getting 95% of the same aerobic benefits while drastically reducing impact on your legs. Win, win!

Avoid Injuries

Overuse injuries turn from minor annoyances to full-blown injuries because we keep trying to run through them and create more and more damage.

Thus, the best way to avoid injuries is to stop running before it gets worse. But, if we took time off every time we felt a little niggle, we’d never be able to train.

That’s where pool running can make a huge difference.

By doing a high-intensity workout in the pool, you can “take a day off without taking a day off.”

Proper Aqua Jogging Technique

Good aqua jogging form should imitate your running style fairly closely.

You’ll want to get into the deep end of the pool and use an aqua jogging belt if you’re a beginner or not a good swimmer.

The pool running belt is helpful, but once you get the form down, it isn’t necessary.


The key to good aqua jogging form is to keep your upper body straight and to not lean forward too much, which is a little different than your normal running posture.

You should practice using a higher knee lift and a more compact back kick compared to running on dry land.

This will allow you to remain upright and also enable you to perform harder sprinting activities.

Leg Motion

In deep water, we do only the back half of the running motion; that is, there’s no forward reach with the foreleg and foot.

In fact, I tell runners that if they can see their feet they’re not running correctly. One knee lifts while the other foot drives down and back.

We use this running form so we can move quickly enough to duplicate the effort and speed of high-intensity running.

Moving Your Arms

Once you have mastered the Knee Up/Foot Down motion, start using the same good arm action as proper running form on land.

Pull the elbows straight back. Pull the hand all the way back to an imaginary hip pocket. Keep the chest erect and the shoulders relaxed and down.

Find a focal point at eye level ahead of them. That keeps the head level. Don’t let the shoulders wobble. Work to establish smooth, efficient running form without any extraneous movement.

Here are the most common mistakes:

  1. Swinging the arms across the chest. The arms should be pulled straight forward and back.
  2. Rocking the shoulders forward and back. The shoulders should remain stationary while the arms move at the shoulder. The whole torso should be solid and motionless. Only the arms and legs move.
  3. Bending and straightening the elbow. The elbow should remain bent at 90 degrees and the movement should take place only at the shoulder.
  4. Not pulling the elbows back far enough. Emphasize pulling the elbow back and your hand will come all the way to your hip.
  5. Rocking the head from side to side. Keep the head level without motion.

Aqua Jogging Workouts for Runners

Injuries happen, but what can you to to maintain fitness while injured from running. Pool running is a good cardio replacement. Here are the benefits of aqua jogging, and 7 workouts to use in the pool.
Before we get started with specific workouts, it’s important to realize that elevating your heart rate in the pool will be more difficult than on dry land.

Since your cells are 65-95% water, blood circulates better when submerged, which means your heart does not need to pump as hard to circulate oxygen.

So, the benefits from pool running must come from a constant, steady effort or intervals.

Easy Pool Running Workouts

Easy pool running should only be used as warm-up for harder aqua jogging workouts, a recovery tool between hard workouts, or to simulate longer training runs.

You can perform easy pool running just like you would perform easy running on dry land, there is nothing fancy about it.

You should try to maintain a heart rate that is 65-75% of your maximum heart rate.

Medium Effort Aqua Jogging Workouts for Runners

The Pyramid

10 minutes easy warm up

1:00 hard, 30 seconds easy

1:30 hard, 30 seconds easy

2:00 hard, 30 seconds easy

2:30 hard, 30 seconds easy

3:00 hard, 30 seconds easy

3:30 hard, 30 seconds easy

4:00 hard, 30 seconds easy

4:30 hard, 30 seconds easy

5:00 hard, 30 seconds easy

Come back down the pyramid (4:30 hard, 30 easy, 4:00 hard, 30 easy ect)

10 minutes easy cool down

Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care

10 minutes easy warm up

1 minute medium (87-92% of maximum heart rate or what feels like tempo effort)

1 minute sprint (95-100% of maximum heart rate or all out sprint)

30 seconds hands in air (keep moving your legs in the running motion, but put your hand above your head)

1 minute rest

Repeat 10-15 times

10 minutes easy cool down


10 minutes easy warm up

30 seconds sprint (95-100% of maximum heart rate or all out sprint)

30 seconds medium (87-92% of maximum heart rate or what feels like tempo effort)

30 seconds sprint

30 seconds medium

30 seconds rest

Repeat 12-15 times

10 minutes easy cool down

The child

10 minutes easy warm up

10 seconds medium

10 second sprint

10 seconds easy

20 seconds medium

20 second sprint

20 seconds easy

30 seconds medium

30 second sprint

30 seconds easy

Repeat up to 70 seconds and then back down (60 seconds of each, 50 seconds of each)

10 min easy cool down

Hard Aqua Jogging Workouts for Runners

One of the difficulties of cross training is replicating those truly lung-busting, difficult workouts.

With the pool, I’ve actually found a very nice trick to help make pool running as hard as any track workout you might do.

How to pool run with a bungee cord

If you’re going to be pool running quite a bit due to injury or limited training volume, invest in a bungee cord designed for sprinters.

Lynda Huey, our pool running expert believes all runners should use bungee cords to get the best workouts possible in the pool. Lynda explains how to use a bungee cord in detail, and uses images if this description confuses you!

Tie one end of the resistance band to a sturdy object (pole, lifeguard stand, pool ladder) and bring the other into the water with you.

Put the strap around your waist and begin aqua jog away from your starting point.

You’ll begin to notice the bungee tighten and resist against you (depending on the length of your pool, you may need to wrap the bungee around the supporting object or tie it in knots to make it shorter to feel resistance).

Spend a few moments testing yourself to see how far you can pull the bungee.

This is a great challenge and a fun way to compete with yourself during an otherwise boring cross training activity.

Now for the hard part:

Pick a point on the pool wall or side of the pool that you feel stretches the bungee to a very hard sprint that you could maintain for 60-90 seconds.

This will be your “sprint” marker that you’ll use on sprint intervals (95-100% of maximum heart rate or all out sprint).


Find a point that feels like the end of a hard tempo run.

Mark this spot as your “medium” interval distance.

When you complete the hard workouts, you can use these reference points to ensure that you maintain a very hard effort.

The springboard

10 minutes easy warm up

90 seconds easy (slowly moving out and stretching the bungee)

2 minute medium

1 minute sprint

1 min rest (let the bungee pull you back – this is kind of fun)

Repeat 10 times

10 minutes easy cool down

The race simulation

10 minutes easy warm up

90 seconds easy (slowly moving out and stretching the bungee)

5 minutes medium (focus and concentrate, just like during the hard part of a race)

30 seconds sprint

2 minutes rest

Repeat 4 times

10 minutes easy col down

The lactic acid

10 minutes easy warm up

90 seconds easy (slowly moving out and stretching the bungee)

2 minutes sprint

90 seconds rest

Repeat 12 times

10 minutes easy cool down

I guarantee that with the bungee, you’ll get your heart rate through the roof.

You can challenge yourself and make aqua jogging more fun by seeing how long you can stay at your maximum stretched distance or seeing how far you can push it.

Likewise, if you have a friend who is injured (or someone willing to be a good sport) you can try pulling each other across the pool for some competitive fun.

Recommendations For Better Aqua Jogging Results

If you’re interested in aqua jogging to rehab your injury, then the absolute best way is to use one of my favorite programs, Fluid Running.

First, it comes with an aqua jogging belt and waterpoof bluetooth headphones so you have everything you need to aqua jog effectively.

Second, they have an app that pairs with the headphones so you can get workouts, guided instructions on how to aqua jog properly, and motivation while you’re actually pool running.

This has been an absolute game changer for me when I am injured.

I used to dread aqua jogging workouts because they were so boring and it took all my mental energy to stay consistent.

But, with workouts directly in my ear, it’s changed the whole experience and I actually look forward to the workouts. So much so that I now use aqua jogging as a cross training activity in the summer, even when I am not injured.

Fluid running is an awesome deal when you consider it comes with the belt (highly recommended for better form), the waterproof headphones (game changer for making pool workouts fun), a tether (to add variety to the workouts you can do) and the guided workout app (to make your cross training structure and a whole lot more interesting).

That’s why we’ve partnered with them to give you 2 additional running-specific workouts you can load into the app when you use the code RTTT .

Check out the product here and then on the checkout page, add the code RTTT in the coupon field and the workouts will be added to your order for free.

Cross training can be tough, especially when you’re injured or want to be increasing your volume faster. This podcast episode about cross training while injured might be something to keep you sane on those days you are alone in the pool, especially if you can invest in some waterproof headphones!

However, I hope that providing a variety of workouts, a fun challenge in the pool, and a little science about the benefits of aqua jogging will help you emerge from your injury with minimal fitness loss. We even found that you can race well after time off from injury!


1. Åstrand, P.-O.; Saltin, B., Maximal oxygen uptake and heart rate in various types of muscular activity. Journal of Applied Physiology 1961, 16 (6), 977-981.

2. Holmér, I.; Lundin, A.; Eriksson, B. O., Maximum oxygen uptake during swimming and running by elite swimmers. Journal of Applied Physiology 1974, 36 (6), 711-714.
3. Reilly, T.; Dowzer, C. N.; Cable, N., The physiology of deep-water running. Journal of Sports Sciences 2003, 21 (12), 959-972.

4. Mercer, J. A.; Dufek, J. S.; Bates, B. T., Analysis of Peak Oxygen Consumption and Heart Rate During Elliptical and Treadmill Exercise. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 2001, 10, 48-56.

5. Chu, K. S.; Rhodes, E. C.; Taunton, J. E.; Martin, A. D., Maximal physiological responses to deep-water and treadmill running in young and older women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2002, 10, 306-313.

6. Butts, N.; Tucker, M.; Greening, C., Physiologic responses to maximal treadmill and deep water running in men and women. American Journal of Sports Medicine 1991, (19), 612-614.

7. Reilly, T.; Dowzer, C. N.; Cable, N., The physiology of deep-water running. Journal of Sports Sciences 2003, 21 (12), 959-972.

8. Killgore, G. L., Deep-Water Running: A practical review of the literature with an emphasis on biomechanics. Physician and Sports medicine 2012, 40 (1).

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13 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for this reassuring article. I was diagnosed yesterday with a stress reaction in my 4th metatarsal and really don’t want to lose my good fitness. I’m headed to the pool now to do one of the medium workouts in this article, and will do one of the hard ones tomorrow.

    1. Started aqua jogging after bilateral. Knee pain, I now aqua jog 10 classes per week clothes fitting better and no pain not sure I would return to running

  2. Hi, I was aqua jogging a few times a week and doing hard workouts (intervals) while injured for 4months. My 1st race back was a 10k and I was surprisingly only 49seconds slower than the same race the previous year. So this proves if u work hard in the pool and get your heart rate up you can keep a great level of fitness during an injury

  3. Good aftrnoon, my personal trainer sent me the link to your website. I am a former marathoner now not after hip replacement surgery. Can water running be a good alternative fr someone like me?

    Thanks, Matt

  4. Just strained my soleus (personal diagnosis) and I’m 5 weeks away from a marathon where I’ve been hoping to BQ. I don’t think it’s a terrible strain, but I’m supposed to do a fast finish 20 miles this weekend and that seems like a lot to ask of an iffy soleus. Suggestions for doing this in the pool? Do I just go for the 3 hours the 20 miles would take me at my long run pace, increasing effort for the 4 fast finish miles? Any advice to help me get to this marathon and keep my BQ pacd ability that I’ve spend the last 12 weeks working on would be much appreciated!!!!

    1. Hi Chelsea, sorry to hear about your soleus. I have actually done that myself in the past, and I am glad to hear that you are being smart with it. I did pool running in the build up to my race (had to take a full month off running), and ended up racing very well at the end of it, so it works, as long as you make sure you are doing it correctly. I recommend you listen to this podcast episode on Cross Training which will give you more information on how to do it, and why it is important (and should give you confidence in your race). I would pool running or use a combination of cross training for the 3 hours this weekend, and yes, make the effort more intense the last 4 miles. Remember you will need to keep reminding yourself to keep that intensity up, as it is easy to slack in the pool. Hope this helps! Best of luck!

  5. I was diagnosed with runner’s knee (IT Band issues with a terrible pain point at my knee). I have been training for a marathon which is on October 4th. My last run I couldn’t make it more than 4 miles without excruciating pain, and I was supposed to be doing a 20-mile training run. My doctor recommended aqua jogging from now until the race, and a cortisone shot to get me through.

    Has anyone experienced this kind of injury/pain and been able to complete their long run/race because of aqua jogging?

    1. Hi Laura, thanks for reaching out. Sorry to hear about your knee, it is quite common for runners to be able to aqua jog without pain for injuries as the impact is removed. If it does not cause your knee any pain, then it is definitely the best idea for you to let it calm down. Make sure you take a listen to this podcast episode and it will give you more confidence in what you are doing As for your pain, are you taking steps to treat the problem? We have a great post about runners knee, which we would recommend you read and start following the steps. Hope this helps

  6. Hi, I started acquajogging it happens that I had a huge backache the day after, I couldn’t even walk! Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    1. Hi Lemmert,

      Are you currently using a belt for your AJ? It very well could be a postural issue. Because pool running is so demanding on the core and back to remain upright and stable, it can cause those muscles to get overworked.

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